As soon as I heard that the World's largest record store was in St. Petersburg, Florida, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. How could I not? I only live 5 minutes away and had no idea that my sunny little piece of paradise in Pinellas County, is also home to 3 million vintage vinyl records!
Bananas Records was easy to find and offers free parking in a lot! BONUS! I have a love obsession with the pure sound you can only get from vinyl but also love all-things vintage, so I was pleased to see the small store carried more than just thousands upon thousands of records. From an old Smith & Corona typewriter to a Victrola Talking Machine, there was plenty of conversation pieces abound.
There's nothing like the sense of smell to evoke the nostalgia I went looking for. Although the store itself has a flee market vibe, I appreciate that it hasn't been turned into yet another Florida tourist trap. It's a mom & pop shop with super knowledgeable staff.
If it's possible for you to surround yourself with 3 million vinyl records and not buy anything... I don't think you should be reading this post. Curious to know what I bought? Well, I walked down aisle after aisle until a random record caught my eye and without even knowing who the artist was, I bought it and shipped it to my step dad for Father's Day to add to his vinyl collection.
Bananas Record Store has 3 locations. One is the retail record store, the other is a warehouse filled with more records, and the 3rd is home to audio equipment. If you plan to visit, start with the retail store - located at 2887 22nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33713
After you've gotten your fill of vintage vinyl, get yourself a superior turntable to play it on! I've got my eye on a pretty little McIntosh that glows green. Maybe you've seen it?